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If you are between the ages of 4 - 17 then we want you to join our team of kids.  Please fill out the commitment form below.
100 Kids Who Care Weyburn collects your personal information strictly for the purpose of maintaining our membership list.

Thanks for submitting!


Nomination Criteria:​


  • Nominating a charitable organization or cause in Weyburn and surrounding area is prefered; however,larger organizations may be considered.

  • Charities must be nominated by registered and active members of 100 Kids Who Care Weyburn.  

  • When the 3 charities have been selected, the parents of the kid members who nominated them will be contacted prior to the event. Parents are encouraged to help their kid(s) prepare a 1-2 min presentation and are welcome to join them, but it’s our preference that the kids do the presentation to their peers – it’s a great learning opportunity and confidence building activity!

Thanks for submitting!

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